Fundraising Ideas

I’ll be holding a range of events and I invite you to either join in those or to create your own where you live.

Here are some ideas you might like to adopt or take part in…


These are Dance days where you can register to dance your mile (or part-mile) with others. The day will be organised into different sessions and styles of dancing- you can choose your style of mile from a simple Conga line to disco, jazz, ballet, line dancing, ballroom or even freestyle where Dad dancing and wriggle walking is acceptable!

Short pieces of simple choreography will be available on this website and on Facebook to learn your moves before the day if you wish.

One of the first Danceathons I am planning is in London in July at the beautiful Plaisterer’s Hall.

Register your interest in this or we can run one in your local area.

Young people dancing
Hold or join a Danceathon
Group enjoying a dance at Park Run
Park Run and other opportunities to join with others to dance a mile

Outdoor Dance Events

You can dance your mile outside in the park, the school playground or even a field. I am also inviting Park Run groups to join the dance.

Maybe some miles around Guildhall Square with the City Livery Companies!

There are endless ideas and opportunities for miles to be danced and I am open to suggestions. Create your own event with my support, as long as we are dancing it really doesn’t matter where.

Far and wide

I need to start at home, but in time I would like to dance in as many countries as possible. There are wonderful, traditional dances and rituals that are performed around the world – some in very remote locations – that have been around for a very long time.

Dance is a universal language and unifying experience for all human beings, and I would love to share my quest with as many people and countries as possible.

Vanessa Gilbert in a dance pose
I love to dance - will you join me?